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"Lee is a delight to know and a blessing to all who meet her. She did my colors years ago and changed my life. Friends and family were amazed. I've sent many people her way, and they have not been disappointed. Lee knows the color business like no one else. She is meticulous in making sure she gets it right and then tops it off with great skin care and makeup. Her makeup is top of the line and now after 40 years I actually wear makeup and wear it proud and well, giving me confidence I never had! Having my colors done has also simplified my life in areas of shopping and outfit coordination. It's a great package deal! I would encourage anyone to meet with Lee... it will be time and money well spent!"
- Angie, Covington, OH
"I began going to Lee Murphy and The Color Studio because she and I have been lifelong friends. However, I have continued going because of her knowledge of colors and her products. Unlike cosmetic counters everywhere, you are not sold the 'color of the month.' Once your color season has been determined by Lee, your makeup is specifically tailored to you."
- Gloria, Hyde Park, Cincinnati, OH
"'The Color Lady,' as I call her, has actually had a larger impact on my life than one might imagine. Ever since I got my colors done with her, I have had more compliments and been more confident in what I look like and she really helped me to develop my own personal style. She creates a comfortable environment, makes you feel like the unique person you are, and brings a great excitement to the whole process. I got my colors done years ago, and I still continue to wear my power colors and feel better about myself because of it. I know what to look for when I’m shopping, I know what colors look good on me for interviews, and I feel my prettiest and most confident when I’m in my colors. I’m a Spring/Summer and I love rocking gold jewelry, bright corals and yellows in the summer and olive greens and browns in the fall."
- Beth, Chicago, IL
"Lee Murphy is a color and make-up expert. One hour with Lee will make you feel ten years younger and more self-confident about your appearance. Who doesn't love a makeover!"
- Mary, Anderson Township, CIncinnati, OH
"Knowing what clothing colors work best with your natural colors is NOT just a female thing. It’s part of being 'in fashion' and 'in touch' with who you are. It will get you out of only whites, light blues, and greys and into real colors that compliment you in any environment…business or pleasure. Lee creates a relaxed atmosphere and is very clear and direct with what works for you. You will be amazed at the difference this makes in your overall personal appearance!"
- Bill, Anderson Township, Cincinnati, OH
"Since having my colors done years ago I have had many comments from family and friends on what a difference wearing the right colors makes. I thought I knew 'my' colors prior to Lee but discovered that I really didn't. And, her makeup is not only excellent quality but she'll make sure it's all the right shades and colors. No one that I've ever recommended her to has been disappointed either."
- Lisa, Anderson Township, Cincinnati, OH
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